Learning from Landscapes for the Post-Anthropocene
Kat Austen Kat Austen

Learning from Landscapes for the Post-Anthropocene

There is something captivating about destruction on an epic scale. The horror of it draws the eye and ear, pulling focus. Looking out across acres of scarred earth at the open cast lignite mine of Janschwalde near Cottbus / Chóśebuz in Lausitz (Lusatia in English) by the German-Polish border, the sheer magnitude of the anthropogenic change visited on the landscape is magnificent and catastrophic.

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Dominic Boyer Dominic Boyer


The problem with catastrophe in talking about today’s energy crises is that we’re not there yet. It’s too soon for catastrophe.

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Exposing the Power Grid: Exercises in Energy Literacy
Johanna Mehl Johanna Mehl

Exposing the Power Grid: Exercises in Energy Literacy

It’s October 2022; I am walking along the Teltow canal in Berlin with a group of geography and design scholars and we are doing fieldwork. Our objective is to observe the ways in which the power grid shapes our everyday lives and constrains our ability to imagine and design for anti-catastrophic energy futures.

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